With Invisalign orthodontic treatment you can straighten your teeth with minimal disruptions to your day-to-day routines. Here's what makes living with Invisalign so easy!
With Invisalign orthodontic treatment you have the flexibility to live your life normally while straightening your smile.
For busy adults and teens who want a straighter smile while staying active in business, sports and everyday life, Invisalign can be an ideal alternative to traditional metal braces.
Invisalign's clear, custom aligners fit easily into hectic lifestyles because the are discreet and removable.
Not only that, throughout your Invisalign treatment, you will be able to continue eating all your favourite foods! Just remove your aligners out to eat and drink, then brush your teeth before putting your aligners back in place.
With Invisalign you can continue to enjoy taking part in sports and other activities, no problem.
Invisalign's clear aligners don't need to be adjusted. So, unlike with traditional metal braces that require frequent appointments for adjusting, with Invisalign you'll only have to visit the dentist for checkups every six to eight weeks.