Easing Discomfort From Invisalign
If you're starting your Invisalign journey, you might be wondering if there will be any discomfort once you start and how you can ease it. Our CCOA team is here with tips and tricks that you can employ.
If you're starting your Invisalign journey, you might be wondering if there will be any discomfort once you start and how you can ease it. Our CCOA team is here with tips and tricks that you can employ.
Today our CCOA dentists share James' success story with Invisalign. Learn more about his journey and how a straighter smile has affected his life.
If you are looking into Invisalign as a treatment option for your misaligned teeth, you might wonder if you should see a dentist or an orthodontist. Our CCOA dentists are here to explain why you might want to consider an orthodontist.
One of the reasons clear aligners are gaining popularity is because they are made from clear plastic, but does that mean people won't be able to see them? Our CCOA dentists explain.
Your retainer is an important final step in your orthodontic treatment. Our CCOA dentists discuss why it is so vitally important to wear your retainer as directed by your dental team.
Invisalign can be an effective treatment alternative for many patients, especially teens. Our CCOA dentists explain how Invisalign Teen's eruption tabs may help your child's growing smile.
If you just started, or are thinking about Invisalign treatment, you might be wondering how strictly you need to comply with the 22 hours a day rule. Our CCOA dentists explain why it is important for your treatment.
Your teen has a lot to learn about responsibility, so as a parent of a teen undergoing Invisalign treatment, there are some things you may have to do to ensure successful treatment. Our CCOA dentists explain.
If a straighter smile is your ultimate goal, there may be some benefits to choosing Invisalign as your orthodontic treatment. Our CCOA dentists discuss some reasons you might choose Invisalign.
After your orthodontic treatment is complete you will have to wear a retainer to ensure your teeth stay in their new straightened position. Our CCOA Dentists discuss how to care for your retainer properly.
If you're an accomplished BC dentist with an interest in clear aligner orthodontic treatment, we'd love to hear from you.